Dr. Vishwanath meets patients and wellness seekers at the Centers listed in the website.
Step1: The First Appointment will be of 30 to 45 Minutes, dedicated towards understanding the Health Conditions, Medical History, Personal Scenarios, and Aspirations of the Individual.
Step2: He may or may not suggest diagnostic health checks depending on the clarity of such information available with the individual.
Step3: He will prepare a Treatment Plan and Calendar for the Individual and Mobilize the Plan
Step 4: To Monitor the Process depending on what is the specific health condition or wellness objective of the individual he will recommend the required consultation patterns and no of session required.
To begin with He would first put you on the medicines that are immediately required to manage the health condition, in Parallel based on what needs to be addressed, he will start integrating Intermittent Fasting, Meditation, Nutritional Changes, Lifestyle Changes and other natural methods to help you restore your health or achieve wellness. Gradually evolving your health to stage where you could be off the medicines.
Note: The Approach Explained above is specific to his Treatment of Diabetes, Obesity, Stress-Related Health Impairments, and other Lifestyle Diseases.