Turmeric – The Wonder Spice

We have all been asked by our mothers and grandmothers to consume turmeric in one way or the other – either apply it all over your body during bathe time, or as a mask on your face or include it in cooking or milk. The most common use of turmeric in Indian cuisine is as a spice in the dishes.
In India, right from prehistoric times, Turmeric was always used in preparation of many traditional dishes, this was one of the reasons why India Hardly had any History of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, until the modern times, where the usage of Turmeric began to reduce due to various external influences. Turmeric is Cancer’s worst enemy and your best friend. It has been proven to kill cancer cells, shrink tumours and prevent several forms of cancer.
Turmeric has multiple medicinal usage, the primary component called curcumin is a natural antiseptic, a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent and an excellent liver detox. Turmeric is also used for external application on open wounds, infections, sores and sprains. A study in 2009 in Ireland found that curcumin killed oesophageal cancer cells in the lab within 24 hours. Another study in Thailand in 2012 stated that curcumin helps in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. A daily dose of curcumin supplement for about 9 months seemed to prevent new cases of type 2 diabetes among the risk group.
Here are some ways of including turmeric in our diet.
- Drinking a cup of hot Milk with half a tea-spoon of Turmeric dissolved, every night or every alternate night, is great way to detoxify liver, prevent liver related ailments, enhance immunity, prevent throat infections and bowel infections.
- Add a pinch of turmeric powder to everyday cooking as a spice. It can be added to any savoury dish like curries, eggs, roasted vegetables or even while boiling plain rice.
- Mix turmeric powder with curd and honey and apply the paste as a face mask for a healthy, glowing skin. Turmeric can also be mixed with fresh aloe gel as a cure for acne.
- Make a thick paste of castor oil, turmeric and pepper powder and rub it over inflamed skin and the pain will vanish within minutes.
- Dip wet toothbrush into turmeric powder and brush your teeth with it. Allow the turmeric to sit on your teeth for 3-5 minutes and rinse it off. Follow it up with regular toothpaste for whiter teeth.
Many scientific studies are now emerging which vindicates the medicinal and nutritional significance of turmeric and ways in which it can be involved as medical interventions. However, back in the olden days in India, turmeric was almost reverend for its excellent qualities and was an intrinsic part of people’s lives. India, the motherland of Ayurveda was blessed with an extensive knowledge not only about nature but that of beyond cosmos. It would do us a world of good if we could look back into the practices that existed 1000s of years ago as they were not mere practices but conscious efforts of people who understood the underlying principle of nature.
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