5 Ways to use Curry Leaves for wide range of benefits

The humble Curry Leaf was not used by our ancestors in almost every other food preparation just to be discarded while eating. They do more than just seasoning your food.
Curry leaves are a rich source of iron and folic acid which helps in keeping anaemia at bay. The antioxidants in the leaves when combined with vitamin A and C protects the liver and stimulates it to work efficiently.
Rich in Nutrients like Vitamin B, Antioxidants, plant sterols and amino acids, it helps in boosting hair growth and scalp health. Use of Curry Leaves combined with other ingredients will strengthen the hair roots and stimulate hair growth and maintain scalp health.
These humble leaves also contain high amounts of vitamin A and is good for eyesight. Carotenoids, the main component of Vitamin A, protect the cornea, which is the eye surface.
With the onset of winter, respiratory problems are a common sight. The leaves with their anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antioxidant properties help release congested mucous.
Here are some of the ways how the benefits of curry leaves can be reaped –
- To use as hair tonic, fry a handful of curry leaves in 2-3 tbsp of coconut oil in a pan until the leaves turn black. Cool the mixture, strain it and gently massage your scalp with your fingertips while applying the oil. Concentrate most on the roots and tips of your hair. Leave it on for an hour and then rinse it with shampoo.
- Just take a spoonful of powdered dry curry leaves, mix it with a spoonful of honey to it. Make it a paste and eat this solution twice a day to decongest your nose blocks.
- Add some paste made out of curry leaves to buttermilk and take it on an empty stomach in the mornings to help cure gastrointestinal issues.
- Juice made out of a bunch of curry leaves and lime extracts will help keep cancer at bay, since the leaves are rich in chemical constituents like phenols.
- The juice or paste of the leaves can also be applied directly on burns, cuts, bruises, skin irritations and insect bites for reducing the itch, burning sensation and for a quick and clean recovery.
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