Is This Why You Were Not Able to Meet Your Fitness Goals Last Year?

How many of you started on a diet plan to lose weight fast or start an exercise regime last year but never got around to achieving your fitness goals? The year is gone and so is the first month of this year. Now that the New Year resolutions are in the back burner for the most and life is back into its hectic pace as usual, we need to stop, take a breather and try to find out why fitness goals didn’t work last year. Maybe, it will help you start on your fitness plan or weight loss program this year!
Do you follow the SMART goals technique when you plan your projects at work or prepare for your next assignment?
You can use the same in your personal life, especially in the case of your fitness goals.
Were your fitness goals impossible to achieve?
Let’s get it straight! It is just not possible to become slim overnight or loss 10 kilograms in one month.
Even if it is possible ,it is not healthy to lose weight very rapidly. It is not sustainable. May be the guy at the weight loss treatment in Bangalore told you that it could be done. But, practically is it possible?
Were your goals realistic?
Did you consider all factors such as your work life, relationships, personal life and all the other factors that make your day while planning your fitness goals? It’s good to dream big, but when it comes to fitness, let’s be a little realistic!
A lot of people end up putting themselves into a severe stress of meeting their unrealistic target.
Attaining fit body or losing weight requires changing biology internally.
Don’t hurry too much.
Were you following the right methods to achieve your fitness goals?
Browse the internet and you will find thousands of ways to reduce weight, get fit, build your body, and lots more. But, are those methods right for your body type, food habits, and lifestyle. You need to find the fitness method specific for you.
We are overloaded with information.
Finding the right and genuine information which suits us is a real challenge.
Find our authentic wellness and fitness experts, wellness centre, aerobics class or diet consultants to find out what method work best for you.
What was your motivation to set the fitness goals?
Unless you have clear reasons, it can be difficult to get down and do the hard work.
Losing weight or attaining fitness is 90% mind game.
Many people start fitness program in full enthusiasm but 80% of them drop out after 6 months and 1 year.
Ask yourself, “Why do I want to lose weight?” The answer will give you the reason to work towards your fitness goals.
What should be your actual motivation to achieve your Fitness & Health Goals?
A lot of people get into fitness only out of peer pressure. In such instances one would not succeed in continuing the regime beyond few months and would fizzle out. Some people start on a fitness regime to take pictures and post fitness selfies in social media platforms to gain likes and comments which are more like micro rewards for them subconsciously.
The real reason to start on a fitness regime should be to achieve a personal health transformation and to make fitness and healthy living a way of life.
So the only reason you should be starting on fitness journey is to take your own health to the highest levels possible and sustain it with correct lifestyles practices.
Many hit the gym regularly for workouts but do not make any changes in their diet habits. Infact for body transformation too 70% of the impact is driven by diet and only 30% by workouts. Good Nutrition and good lifestyle practices are essential for health transformation and sustaining wellness.
Now, you must have an idea of why you were not able to achieve your fitness goals last year! So, prepare your SMART fitness plan right away.
Good luck to achieving your fitness goals this year.
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