Diabetes And Wellness – Some Myths Surrounding Diabetes

1. Rice Is Bad For Diabetes – Not True
a) WHITE RICE: Highly refined, less fiber, fewer vitamins due to polishing. Not good for Diabetes
b) BROWN AND RED RICE: Good fiber content high vitamin and mineral content. Good for diabetes, small quantity is better
c) BLACK RICE: once upon a time consumed by an only royal family of China. Its rich in antioxidant anthocyanin, fiber, and minerals. Good for consumption.
2. Six Meals Are Better Than Three Meals – Not True
Eating frequently puts a strain on pancreas because it is not given a gap to produce and store insulin IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN ACTIVE LIFESTYLE. If you are working out regularly, then eating 6 times a day as per your physician/dietician advice would be best.
3. Fasting Is Not Good For Diabetes – Not True
Intermittent Fasting on the advice of the doctor and under supervision. Medications do need to be adjusted depending on the time of fasting
Fasting Benefits :
a. Improved insulin sensitivity
b. Lowered triglycerides
c. Weight loss
d. Normalises prediabetes.
e. In some cases, can help in the reversal of diabetes
Intermittent fasting is the best dietary intervention for prediabetes or borderline diabetes.
4. Diabetes Is A Chronic Progressive Disease – Not True
Type 2 Diabetes although widely believed to be a chronic progressive disease, is reversible in many cases.
5. Insulin Is Needed Only In Later Stage And Severe Diabetes – Not True
A recent study suggested that insulin is a good choice if a person’s HbA1c levels remain above 8% while only on oral tablets, i.e., even within 3-4 months of diagnosis.
6. Diabetes Can’t Be Reversed – Not True
Many cases of Type 2 Diabetes can be reversed by conforming to Diet, Right Exercise, Appropriate Dietary interventions like LOW CARBOHYDRATE DIET AND INTERMITTENT FASTING, Adequate Sleep, and Managing Stress through practices like meditation and yoga.
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