The importance of home diabetes test
Whether you have Type 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes, lifestyle changes can help you manage your diabetes. In addition, you need to check your blood sugar frequently. You may have to visit your general physician for cholesterol checks and eye exams, depending on your condition.
Although there is no cure for diabetes, it can be treated and controlled. Managing your blood sugar levels in your target range is critical in order to prevent serious health problems, such as kidney disease, heart disease and vision loss.
Who should use the test?
Based on your sugar condition Doctor suggests to do a home blood glucose test. These days these tests are vital.
Test have become available and affordable for large masses. Thereby, it prevents complications. Diabetes home tests can be done for:
- Type 1 diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes
- Prediabetes
- Symptoms of diabetes
As you are tracking blood glucose regularly at home, you can know and manage your blood sugar levels. Also, you can observe if you have high blood sugar, low blood sugar or prediabetes symptoms.
Depending on individuals and type of diabetes, the frequency of monitoring your blood glucose levels varies. Your certified diabetes doctor should help you with the frequency of testing. It is imperative that you need to maintain glucose at a normal range.
How to do the test and the steps?
Purchase a reputed and certified home test machine and ensure that you read the
manual of the blood glucose monitor. Here is a list of things required to test your blood sugar at home:
- A glucose meter
- A lancet (small needle) and a lancing or lancet device
- Test strips
- Portable cases
Follow these steps for home testing:
- Wash your hands
- Put a small needle into the lancet device
- Place a new test strip into the meter
- Prick your finger with the needle
- Place the drop of blood onto the test strip and wait for the results
When to test?
The testing schedule is determined by your doctor based on your diabetes treatment plan.
Type 1 Diabetes
As recommended by your physician, you may need to test
- Before meals and snacks
- Before bed
- If you are sick
- If you starting a new medication
Type 2 Diabetes
Depending on your Type 2 Diabetes treatment plan, your diabetes doctor may suggest you to test your blood several times a day. Testing should happen:
- Before meals and at bedtime, if you take multiple daily injections
- Before breakfast and dinner, if you are an intermediate
It is critical you manually log results, record the date, time and test results. Talk to your doctor about the treatment plan by showing your test results.
The importance of blood sugar levels
To avoid long-term complications of diabetes, regular monitoring of your glucose levels is a must. In addition, changing your lifestyle habits and taking medication also allow you to prevent the complications of diabetes. Keep monitoring your blood sugar levels to see what makes them go up or down. Regular testing will help you identify blood sugar levels before any serious problem could develop. Research has revealed that frequent blood glucose testing is the pillar of effective diabetes management.
Diabetes can occur at any age. Are you searching for the best diabetes doctor in Bangalore to know about personalized diabetes treatment? Contact Dr. Vishwanath, who offers holistic treatment for diabetes!
Diabetes Guides:
Chapter 1: Type 2 Diabetes Diet Plan – Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment for Men and Women
Chapter 2: 7 Best Exercise for Diabetes
Chapter 4: 6 Essential Vitamins For Diabetics
Chapter 6: What Does A Diabetic Patient Need To Be Aware Of During Covid?
Chapter 7: 10 Diabetes Care Tips During the Coronavirus Pandemic
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